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what(really)goes into digital marketing,fundamental of marketing that works

 Digital Marketing fundamentals and marketing problems.This article is useful for bloggers,professionals,freelancers,mentors and entrepreneurs.

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Now day’s business having marketing strategies is like a man wearing a mask in today’s covid-19 situation.

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.”

― Steuart Henderson Britt, Marketing Management and Administrative Action

Marketing helps to create brand awareness, increase in sales, grow business and engage customers.

In this article we will talk about:

-fundamentals of marketing

-digital marketing vs. traditional marketing

-CATT marketing funnel

-Integrated digital marketing

-personal branding

Marketing is the process of integration and execution of conception of ideas, goods and service which creates exchange and thereby satisfies individual and organizational objectives.

Fundamentals of marketing: Marketing is a vast subject but revolves around four things product, price, place and promotion.

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Product: A product is what a company sells. It may be a physical good or a service. In simple words product means what seller sell and what a buyer buys. In marketing it includes decisions relating to quality, size, range, package, brand name, label, warranty and services, etc.

Different types of products:

1.     Physical items: Cars, television, shirts, soaps

2.   Services: Education, healthcare, banking, insurance, entertainment, transportation

3.   Places of tourism: Singapore, Dubai, Kerala

4.   Experiences: Cinema, meditation, multiplex

5.    Ideas: “don’t kill a girl child”

6.   Information: Internet surfing

Price: To determine how much your product should cost. You’ll need to do some research. This requires some marketing analysis and competitive research to determine the fair price of a product and what people are willing to pay for it. Should the products be on sale at certain time of a year and knowing our competitors?

Place: Your customers need to be able to find and purchase your product. You should decide whether to sell online or offline. How much inventory to hold and where to keep it.

Promotion: Promotion is very important for every business. If a product is launched and no one knows then will it make sense? No. Now day’s marketers have number of channels to promote their product, from radio to social media banners, etc.

You need to conduct a market research (read industry reports, monitor trends, engage your buyers in conversation) and then build a marketing plan based on the insights you reveal.

Digital marketing vs. traditional marketing:

Running a successful business is not just about choosing an appropriate market or having a high quality product. It is also about leveraging the right kind of marketing techniques in order to reach out to your target audience and convert them into leads or customers.

Digital marketing:

Digital marketing is a component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital media and platforms to promote products and services .Digital marketing is crucial for a business today because internet is becoming one of the most used tools. There are around 4.54 billion active internet users in the world and 3.8 billion active social media users. With numbers that high marketing online and through social media makes a lot sense.

Examples: Website content
Email campaigns
Content marketing
Social media posts
Clickable ads
Affiliate marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Traditional marketing:

Traditional marketing means marketing through traditional channels like billboards and printed media. Up until the development of the internet in 1990’s traditional marketing was pretty much the only type of marketing. Traditional marketing is not old fashioned. Traditional marketing still plays a vital and important role in people’s lives.

Examples: Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)
Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.)
Telephone (telemarketing, sms marketing, etc.)
Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)

Digital marketing vs. Traditional marketing:

Now it totally depends upon the business and your target customers. If your budgets are low then you should definitely give a shot for digital marketing but if your audience belong to old generation than you should go for traditional marketing.

CATT (Content. Attention. Trust. Transaction) marketing funnel:

It is called a funnel because you move along the funnel ,you loose customers. As such you start with 100 customers at the top only a small share of this will finally make it to the last stage and make a purchase. Therefore, the number of people keep decreasing with each stage and that’s why its called a funnel.

Just by making a beautiful product or service is not done . You have to gain people’s trust. There is a saying “Don’t trust what you see even salt looks like sugar”. People won’t buy your product untill they have trust in your business. Many startups fail or struggle to build a trust of thier customers and building mass trust is more efficient.

CATT helps in building mass trust for businesses.

Content : Content can be anything whether it is a blog, YouTube Videos, Posters, landing page, and many more. This is the core of digital marketing. Creating a quality content is the best asset any business can ever have . Creating quality content and thereby helping consumers by giving them value will itself bring organic traffic .

Attention: It is necessary to have the attention of your customers to your content either through organic traffic or paid ads.

The different ways of getting attention are:

1.     Paid ads like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and many more.

2.   SEO help to bring organic traffic by improving the rankings of your page. Investment is not required in SEO.

3.   Viral marketing or viral advertising is a business strategy that uses existing social networks to promote a product.

Trust: After generating traffic to your content you can generate leads from this traffic by building trust. Trust is build by engaging with the customer and constantly provide value about your product such that the customer should remain doubt free and showing proof about the benefits customer will get is a great way in gaining trust of the people.

Transaction: Now there are chances that still some customers won’t purchase even after gaining trust, you can provide them with a sales page or webinar or a sales video which may lead them to transaction.

Integrated digital marketing:

Integrated digital marketing is the integration of multiple marketing strategies to form a cohesive online approach for your business. It includes :

1.     web development and design

2.   search engine optimization(SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM)

3.   content marketing

4.   social media marketing

5.    local listings management

6.   paid advertising (or pay-per-click advertising )campaigns.

Integrated digital marketing is used to use the power of each and every channel to create more influential presence. Most business started integrating solutions for better visibility and ROI(return over investments). Integrated digital marketing is about creating a plan which further helps to convert a visitor to an excited and loyal fan.

organic search

Digital strategies should consist of positioning a website on top of google SERRs , such as content marketing.

Content marketing

It is essential to create a creative,useful and powerful content which should be engaging to read

paid advertising

you have to spend money in paid ads to drive inorganic traffic now days it’s a necessity.


Creating a consistent marketing plan is the key to achieve higher and faster ROI.

By working with integrated marketing approach you will be one step ahead from the competition.

Personal branding

“Personal branding is the practice of marketing people and their careers as brands. It is an ongoing process of developing and maintaining a reputation and impression of an individual , group , or organization. Whereas some self help practices focus on self improvement ,personal branding define success as a form of self-packaging.”

Garryvee is the best example of someone who gives tons of free content about side hustle and success and is consistent and serves his audience in many ways. A Personal brand gives you the opportunity to show current and potential clients your skill sets and strengths . People should feel like that you are worth investing.


Thus proved that no matter how useful or quality filled your product is, it will not generate the desired momentum and interest among the people if it is not marketed and propagated effectively. Strategic marketing through various channels both conventional and modern is the key to success.


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